Photographing a Beauty Queen

April 26, 2017  •  1 Comment

I had one of the coolest experiences so far in my photography career this past winter. I got to shoot a real-live Beauty Queen! Maybe it’s because I have a daughter at home obsessed with princesses, or maybe because I am a little obsessed with Disney princesses myself (um, my dog’s name is Jasmine, named after Princess Jasmine in Aladdin!), but the truth is I was so thrilled & honored to get to do a photo shoot with a real Queen :). 

Allow me to introduce you to Lynz Parks, the reigning Mrs. Wisconsin US Continental 2017!



So I just have to say that Lynz is one of the most awesome people I’ve ever met. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she is smart, driven, and just an incredibly kind person. Our paths crossed at a local vendor fair for women with small businesses, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet her. 



Our shoot was so enjoyable, as she was wonderfully easygoing & engaging. As it was winter in Wisconsin, we weren’t about to do any shooting outside, so we actually wound up shooting right in her salon, Bella Donna Boutique, in Sun Prairie, WI. Did I mention that she is a crazy talented nail artist?! On top of her duties as Mrs. Wisconsin and running her nail salon, she also serves an educator & mentor for up & coming nail artists through her Crowning Touch Nail Academy.

Wow- impressive! 


What really captured my heart with Lynz is what a powerful platform she has chosen to focus on with her reign: Infertility Awareness. Lynz is very open about her own struggles with infertility, which you can follow here: Having personal experience myself with losing multiple pregnancies, I find Lynz’s courage & strength in her own journey to be incredibly powerful. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with Infertility, I strongly encourage you to check out her blog for support.



By far one of the best parts of my job is the incredible people I get to meet doing what I do. It was such a blessing for me to have the opportunity to do this shoot for Lynz. I'm excited to see what the 2017 shooting year brings, and what kind of wonderful people I'll get to work with!



PS Did you notice that I have an indoor set-up? That's right- although I primarily shoot outdoors, I do have a backdrop & lighting equipment to do more formal shooting indoors! Keep that in mind, especially in the coooold winter months ;).



Lynz Parks(non-registered)
Thank you so much for my wonderful photos! It was such a joy to have you shoot my official headshots and I highly recommend you to anyone I talk to. I am so honored to be the subject of one of your blog posts and am looking forward to working with you again!
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